
Scoop Jackson

Taking a look back at the White Sox’ Week From Hell.
The problem Robert is going to have with his honesty is how it will affect him directly and professionally. Especially while he’s in a ChiSox uniform.
In 2009, inside the legendary Timeout at Shannon’s barbershop, the question was posed: Is Wade the best player to ever come out of Chicago?
If we haven’t learned anything from politics in our own country, fear works.
Not lost on some is how convenient that this decades-old pattern and practice is investigated and goes public during Derrick Gragg’s tenure as one of the few Black men overseeing a D-I program.
Is this us? If so, is this who we are, having both teams almost in unison singing the same ol’ hopeless song of “Wait Till Next Year,” with an entire city their backing vocalists?
What Arturas Karnisovas and Marc Eversley have done in their GarPax takeover is masterfully avoid the problem, which is sitting on the bench — coach Billy Donovan.
Sometimes sports gets lost in the summertime shuffle (especially when the Cubs and White Sox are less than inspiring), but they’re more ingrained than you might think.