Ask the Doctors

They’re typically harmless, though a doctor or dermatologist can safely and easily remove skin tags with minimal pain and scarring.
How far blood pressure can drop before someone begins to feel the effects varies.
In addition to being the body’s preferred source of energy, carbohydrates are a primary source of micronutrients.
Problems with posture and alignment and deficits in structural support often play a role in the development of bone spurs in the neck.
With some people, the inflammation that accompanies a cold or flu persists after the viral infection has ended. This can lead to a cough lasting several weeks more, or longer.
A number of diseases and conditions can lead to someone developing peripheral neuropathy. It also can be a side effect of some medical treatments.
Anxiety is a condition estimated to affect close to one-fifth of us, making it the most common mental health issue in the United States.
The annual physical can provide an overall assessment of health and a chance for doctor and patient to reconnect, take stock, assess changes and set new goals.
Fire ant bites can be terribly painful. You could be at risk if you travel to areas this summer where they’re common. Here are some things you can do if bitten.
Tinnitus is not a condition in itself but a symptom of some other underlying problem.
Research has found that statins cause elevated blood sugar levels in about 9% of people using the drugs.
Besides congestion, symptoms include sneezing, nasal itching, reduced sense of smell and a runny nose.
Cartilage can also sustain physical injury. Twisting a joint can result in damage. So can the force and impact common in sports.
Hyperhidrosis is excessive perspiration that isn’t associated with exercise, temperature or other typical triggers.
For a broken bone to heal properly, it must be appropriately aligned. This can require the doctor to reposition the broken ends of the bone.
Studies have linked added sugar in the diet to an increased risk of chronic, low-grade inflammation.
Research shows the vitamin also has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps fight infection and can reduce cancer cell growth in some situations.
The pet owners in a recent study tended to have lower body-fat percentages, better blood pressure and a lower incidence of diabetes than those without pets.
IBS is seen in women more often than in men, and it typically arises in people under 50.
For some with the condition, sounds activate the brain’s vision centers. For others, colors can have flavor, flavors can evoke a shape, reading can elicit aromas.
Symptoms include stiffness, swelling and tenderness or pain in the joints, often on both sides of the body.
This is being explored in conjunction with what’s known as regional anesthesia, in which the surgical patients is sedated but remains conscious.
Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that our bodies use to help power the skeletal muscles.
Unlike traditional treatments, which can only ease the effects of the disease, CAR T-cell therapy hints at a path to remission, though that’s based on a very small study.